Personalized Masonic Certificates
For F.& A.M., A.F.& A.M., P.H.F.& A.M., Master Masons, Past Masters, Eastern Star, Scottish Rite and Special Designs for Masonic Events

Masonic Documents
All certificates are printed on non-acidic archival museum paper. We use a professional in-house nine color printer. The ink is the best on the market, guaranteed for 100 years plus.
Master Mason Certificate
This certificate is a tribute to all Freemasons who have reached the sublimed degree of Master Mason. The certificate can be mounted in a plaque and is ideal for hanging on the wall.
This certificate displays your lodges affiliation for the district you were raised in, the Lodge name and number along with the city and state where your lodge is located. The brothers name and the date he was initiated, passed and raised.
Order of Eastern Star Certificate
The Order of the Eastern Star is a beautiful and elegant society. The OES certificate was designed to show the ornate symbolism of the Order. A passage penned by founder Dr. Robert Morris adds meaning for the Brothers and Sisters that are conferred to the order. The Sisters name, chapter name and number and date conferred is set on each certificate. The certificate can be mounted in a plaque and is ideal for hanging on the wall. I have many special designs for OES events. Contact me if your chapter has special needs.
Scottish Rite Certificate
When Freemasons desire more light they turn to the lessons of perfection the Scottish Rite offers. The double headed eagle represents the Scottish Rite dating back to 1758. This certificate was designed to tell others that you live by high standards indeed. A claim that not many can make. Your name, date conferred, and valley that you belong to are included.
Past Master Certificate
A freemason is a member of a lodge that shares brotherhood and friendship among men of the same beliefs. A mason spends much time in his lodge, he soon learns that it takes many brothers to maintain lodge disciplines. Ultimately after much work and chair experience he will be asked to become Worshipful Master of the lodge. After serving a year or more as Master he will have earned the familiar PM to his title. A certificate designed to show your Masonic family that you served the lodge when called on. The Freemasons have a special emblem for Past Masters. This certificate is usually presented to the Past Master at the installation of officers. It’s a great gift or purchase for your office wall. It includes the Masters name, lodge & number, location of his lodge and dates served.